Recent changes
Information about recent changes. Recent changes can be followed on this page.
Revised Response Codes (6 May 2024)
After a change we made in December 2022, it was determined that some response codes returned from API's were different integer values (not the string values) from those in the document. The values of the response codes affected by the mistake and the values that should be (as in the document) are shared below. On 06/05/2024 - 11:00 (UTC+3), we are changing our return codes as we shared in the current document. If you have already integrated via our API document, the change will not affect your applications. FAILED_MARKET_ORDER = 1118 FAILED_LIMIT_ORDER = 1120 FAILED_ORDER_WITH_OPEN_ORDERS = 1122 FAILED_MIN_TOTAL_AMOUNT = 1123 FAILED_STOP_PRICE_GREATER_THAN_BEST_ASK = 1124 FAILED_STOP_PRICE_LESS_THAN_BEST_BID = 1125 FAILED_INVALID_PRICE_SCALE = 1126 FAILED_INVALID_QUANTITY_SCALE = 1127 FAILED_INVALID_STOP_PRICE_SCALE = 1128 ORDER_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 1134 ORDER_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 1193 PRICE_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_MAXPRICE = 1226 PRICE_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_MINPRICE = 1227
Important Update in Order Cancellation Process (1 April 2024)
Starting from 01/04/2024 - 10:00 (UTC+3), we are changing the way we handle cancellation requests. Previously, when you canceled an order by sending a DELETE request to v1/order, you had to wait for a success response after the cancellation was complete.
Now, after sending the cancellation request, you will continue to receive existing validation checks and error messages (as defined here: And, in cases where you are not getting stuck on validations, you will receive a status code of 200 (OK) immediately, without waiting for the final cancellation result.
After your cancellation request has been finalized, you will receive the result on the WebSocket channel 452. Please make sure to listen to this channel for the final response to your cancellation request.
If a buy/sell order is matched while you're sending a cancellation request, the response will still be sent via WebSocket channels 423 and 441.
Error Handling For Order Operations and Retry Strategy Guideline (6 January 2023)
Error handling and retry strategy guideline has been added to the documentation for order operations. For more information you can visit page.
UserTrade Socket message (12 December 2022)
Socket message of user/transactions/trade
endpoint. You can get trade details from channel 423 when order is matched. For more information you can view page.
Ticker amount field (12 December 2022)
Ticker amount field has been added to tickerPair and tickerAll socket messages. You can get amount of the best bid and best ask. AskAmount : AA BidAmount: BA Message example:
"B": "320410",
"A": "320549",
"BA": "0.03873652", // new field
"AA": "0.03243235", //new field
"H": "326488",
"L": "319224",
"LA": "320618",
"O": "324960",
"V": "97.83162693",
"AV": "321970.164925910000",
"D": "-4411",
"DP": "-1.34",
"DS": "TRY",
"NS": "BTC",
"PId": 1,
"channel": "ticker",
"event": "BTCTRY",
"type": 402
Orderbook Price Level Limit (24 November 2022)
OrderBook Price Level Limit has been updated from 25 to 100 again.
Orderbook Price Level Limit (26 September 2022)
OrderBook Price Level Limit has been updated from 100 to 25.
GoLang and Node.js language support (12 July 2022)
Added code examples for Golang and Node.js to the document. With the new update, code samples for C#, Python, PHP, GoLang and Node.js are included in the document.
Error code changes (10 July 2022)
Error code descriptions and naming have been changed. Click here for more information.
C# code example for WebSocket (9 July 2022)
C# code example for WebSocket has been added to the document. Click here for more information.
Last updated
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