All API calls related to a user account, require authentication.
Nonce is a regular integer number. It must be current timestamp in milliseconds.
Signature is a HMAC-SHA256 encoded message. The HMAC-SHA256 code must be generated using a private key that contains a timestamp as nonce and your API key.
C# PHP Python GoLang Node.js Ruby
Copy var apiKey = YOUR_API_PUBLIC_KEY;
var apiSecret = YOUR_API_SECRET;
var nonce = new DateTimeOffset ( DateTime . UtcNow ).ToUnixTimeMilliSeconds();
string message = apiKey + nonce;
using ( HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256 ( Convert .FromBase64String(apiSecret)))
byte [] signatureBytes = hmac .ComputeHash( Encoding . UTF8 .GetBytes(message));
string X_Signature = Convert .ToBase64String(signatureBytes));
Copy <? php
$apiSecret = YOUR_API_SECRET;
$message = $apiKey . ( time () * 1000 );
$signatureBytes = hash_hmac ( 'sha256' , $message , base64_decode ( $apiSecret ), true ) ;
$signature = base64_encode ( $signatureBytes ) ;
$nonce = time () * 1000 ;
$headers = array (
'X-PCK: ' . $apiKey ,
'X-Stamp: ' . $nonce ,
'X-Signature: ' . $signature ,
'Content-Type: application/json' ,
apiSecret = base64 . b64decode (apiSecret)
stamp = str ( int (time. time ()) * 1000 )
data = " {}{} " . format (apiKey, stamp). encode ( 'utf-8' )
signature = hmac . new (apiSecret, data, hashlib.sha256). digest ()
signature = base64 . b64encode (signature)
headers = {
"X-PCK" : apiKey ,
"X-Stamp" : stamp ,
"X-Signature" : signature ,
"Content-Type" : "application/json"
Copy publicKey := "PUBLIC_KEY_HERE"
privateKey := "PRIVATE_KEY_HERE"
key, error := base64.StdEncoding. DecodeString (privateKey)
if error != nil {
return error
nonce := fmt. Sprint (time. Now (). UTC (). UnixMilli ())
message := publicKey + nonce
hmac := hmac. New (sha256.New, key)
hmac. Write ([] byte (message))
signature := base64.StdEncoding. EncodeToString (hmac. Sum ( nil ))
Copy const API_KEY = "API_KEY_HERE"
const stamp = ( new Date ()) .getTime ()
const data = Buffer .from ( ` ${ API_KEY }${ stamp } ` , 'utf8' )
const buffer = crypto .createHmac ( 'sha256' , Buffer .from ( API_SECRET , 'base64' ))
buffer .update (data)
const digest = buffer .digest ()
const signature = Buffer .from ( digest .toString ( 'base64' ) , 'utf8' ) .toString ( 'utf8' )
return {
'Content-type' : 'application/json' ,
"X-Stamp" : stamp .toString () ,
"X-Signature" : signature ,
Copy public_key = 'PUBLIC_KEY_HERE'
private_key = 'PRIVATE_KEY_HERE'
uri = URI . parse ( '' )
timestamp = Time . now . to_i * 1000
http = Net :: HTTP . new (uri . host , uri . port )
http . use_ssl = true
request = Net :: HTTP :: Post . new (uri)
data = public_key + timestamp . to_s
private_key = Base64 . decode64 (private_key) . strip
digest = OpenSSL :: HMAC . digest ( OpenSSL :: Digest . new ( 'sha256' ) , private_key , data)
sign = Base64 . encode64 (digest) . strip